Monday, 30 November 2015

The Frequent Flyer Guide to Beating Jet Lag

Farewell Jet Lag, Cures from a Flight Attendant
Farewell Jet Lag, Cures from a Flight Attendant
At a time when globalisation and technology make the world smaller; when it really matters, nothing beats being there yourself. In business and in pleasure presence is where it's at but you can't fly halfway around the world and be fully present if you're jet-lagged.

Solving the challenges of jet lag requires mastering the challenges of flying frequently and doing it well repeatedly without burnout or doing any harm to yourself so you can arrive fresh and ready for whatever the journey may hold. This book is an ultimate guide for you to do it the right way. Written from experience and a true interest in developing a healthy conversation about jet lag from an aviation insider.

Available on and and all good book stores. 
Find out more here

Wherever You Go P.H.A.R.E. Well